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​Top 5 Places to Grab Dinner in Philadelphia According to a Foodie

​Top 5 Places to Grab Dinner in Philadelphia According to a Foodie

Posted by Ellie C. on Jan 12th 2022

Growing up in a family that encouraged trying new things and having a well-rounded diet, I developed a love for food that would eventually become my career. Upon deciding on a major at Saint Joseph’s University, I knew there was no better fit than a degree in Food Marketing. Living in Philadelphia for 6 years has provided me with a diverse array of restaurant experiences and I hope you get the chance to enjoy some of my favorite dinner spots in the City of Brotherly Love.ZahavAbout four y
​2022 Goals: Get More Protein In Your Diet

​2022 Goals: Get More Protein In Your Diet

Posted by Calvin Virgilio on Dec 30th 2021

It’s something I realized I wasn’t doing about two months ago. I spent this whole year focusing on fitness and had seen some results, but I had plateaued in my improvement. After talking with registered dietician sister-in-law, she told me I needed to eat more calories and get more protein.Calories are a measure of energy, and protein is a macronutrient essential to building muscle. The more energy your body expels in a day, the more calories and protein you need to build it back up. As I wa