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Making Time for What Matters: Celebrating Simplify Your Life Week

Making Time for What Matters: Celebrating Simplify Your Life Week

Posted by Jonas G. Banes on Aug 9th 2024

In August each year, there is a reminder to slow down, keep things simple, & minimize. This reminder is Simplify Your Life Week! At The Granola Factory we are strong proponents of keeping quality through simplicity (check out our Simplify Your Life Sale below.) This is more than apparent trying our original granola blend, All-Natural Honey Pecan, the first Suzanne Virgilio crafted at the Bethlehem Inn B&B in 1988. With only 7 natural & delicious ingredients, H
Real Artisanry: Chop 'til you Drop (5 Min Read)

Real Artisanry: Chop 'til you Drop (5 Min Read)

Posted by Cal Virgilio on Feb 9th 2022

When you search the word "artisan" online, you'll find definitions that include, "worker in a skilled trade especially one that involves making things by hand" or, "person skilled in a utilitarian art, trade, or craft, especially one requiring manual skill." Point being--real artisanry requires being hands-on. A way of work that was once common is now rare in the automation generation. Big business has put efficiency first, quality second, in a race for market share and profit margins. &nbs